Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Next olde Kentucky home!

I'm packing my suitcase in wild anticipation of visiting the kids in Kentucky for Thanksgiving. Kentucky is beautiful....dry stacked limestone fences that have been in place for hundreds of years, horses that prance behind painted rail fences, rolling hills and quaint history. This year will be the first time I get to visit two grandsons that are both in a freshman and one almost a senior. How the heck did that happen.....I remember when they were born....not so long ago. They have always been fun, playful, smart and handsome.....lucky me to be their granny on this journey. I have visited Scott and Shannon in many places, Alabama, Texas, Italy, Idaho.....but my favorite trip is always to Kentucky, great food, great friends and lots of fun and activity. Thanks for the invitation....I can hardly wait.

1 comment:

Holly said...

How fun!! And wow, they really live in a post card.