Sunday, November 16, 2008

I'll Plant More Of That!

We see something that makes us smile……an elderly couple holding hands while on their walk together…..a walk they have taken together for a lifetime. Or a young and in love couple kissing on the park bench……and we think…..”Wish that were me.” Without realizing it, we have just made a request of God/Universe who is always listening and wanting to give us our heart’s desire. Beginning to notice the things we are attracted to……opens our heart to enjoying the present and inviting more of our heart’s desire into our experience. I often whisper under my breath with a smile on my face….. “I’ll have some of that please.” Making room in our heart is an adventure….a playful way to dream and stretch our unlimited spirit and choose what it is that we really want to include in our life.

I was sitting in the waiting room while my aging Mom saw her doctor and seated on a little couch in front of me was an elderly couple….his arm was around her and he was gently massaging her shoulder with his fingers……going round and round with tenderness while she was sharing with him an article she found interesting. “I’ll have lots of that,” I said to myself with a smile.

We are the co-creator of our experiences…..our mind is creating 24 hours a day….even in our sleep. To guide those thoughts and coach our mind, body and spirit into playing as a team and settling the inner conflicts, we must gently direct our attention to our heart’s desire. So often we pay attention to the negatives, what we don’t want, what is bothering us, the problems we have, the sorrows of our heart, the annoying people in our lives, and the relationships that just are not satisfying. Perhaps turning that focus toward what we do want is more creative……because there is a law of attraction at play here. What we focus on we get more of…..what we are thinking and concentrating on, we attract. We create our own experiences and design our lives, thought by thought, word by word, and experience by experience.

Think of life as a giant garden…..everything we want can be planted there…everything we don’t enjoy can take root as well. There is tremendous contrast and that contrast teaches us how to deliberately choose and define our desires. It teaches us how to weed out the things that choke out the things we do. Notice! Notice! Notice! Pay attention……a life well lived takes complete attention….not looking back and not looking forward, but staying present. “I’ll have some of that please.” “Definitely I want a lot more of that please.” “No thank you…..that does not interest me at all.” “Mmmmmmm, that is delicious…...I’ll plant more of that.”

Taking the time during the day to notice what we like and invite it into our lives is a magical, romantic journey…a treasure hunt. “I’ll have some of that please.” It is a sure fire way to set our intentions and sweetly creating our heart’s garden. So it is and always will be.


jen meillier said...

Thank you Joye...just what I needed today, I'll have more of that!

Joye Lisk said...'re welcome....make an "I'll have more of that" list. Hugs!