Wednesday, December 24, 2008

A Christmas poem for you!

It’s not about presents stacked under the tree,
Or the twinkle of lights as far as you see.
Tisn’t bout hustling to catch plane or bus,
But Love in a manger that came down to us.

And, if you are short of cash for the season,
Thank God for the blessings and for every reason
That gives you the joy and the hope that is there,
The friends and the loved ones that always will care.

So when you feel sad and wearing a frown,
The rush of the season is getting you down.
Tis’ the season of love, tis’ the season of joy.
Give a smile to greet each girl and each boy.

Say a prayer for the hungry and homeless instead,
Of fretting and worrying as you get out of bed.
Change the focus to count all the things you have got,
Rather than counting the things you have not.

Make your joy list of dreams and desired plan,
Deep things in your heart with love for each man.
Remember the joy that you once tucked away,
The joy that really won’t come on a sleigh.

For Christmas is really the story of sharing,
Bout’ dreaming of loving and everyone caring.
So give all you can from the depths of your heart.
An angel will greet you as you step apart.

From the worry and scurry of dark saddened thought,
The presents and favors you couldn’t have bought.
Change focus to memories of how it would be.
If peace and good cheer were under the tree.

For changing the focus from shadow to light
Will change the vibration, make everything bright.
Let lights that are twinkling remind you of this.
To make your heart lighter by writing your list.

Of the things you desire, the things that you want,
The dreams of your heart as gently you jaunt.
On life’s wondrous journey….it’s quite a stroll.
Get ready to rock…..and get ready to roll.

At Christmas this year remember the noise,
Of angels that fly in harmonious poise.
They herald the coming of Love and of peace.
The ending of sadness and wars that will cease.

They whisper to us with the flapping of wing,
Dance while you’re here…remember to sing.
For the children that cry and can’t hear the song,
Need your voice to be bold, your heart to be strong.

For the tired and hungry that need a love lift.
Hear voices of joy ….. so just let it drift.
From hilltop to valley and each corner street.
Shout joy from your heart to each one you meet.

You’ll find it’s contagious and catches on fast,
The words that are healing will come and will last.
For it starts in your heart and comes out with voice.
The thoughts of today are simply your choice.

Be of good cheer and remember what’s true.
The voice of this season is all up to you.
The message of peace that was born long ago.
Is the gift of the heavens, the reason to show,

Love to each other, and hope for us all,
An engraved invitation to the peacemaker’s ball.
Such joy and such promise is ours don’t you see,
The truth of this Christmas for you and for me.

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