Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The garden hose theory!


The first lesson from my garden came easily....I cannot stand it when I'm blissfully watering my garden and phhzzztt....the water stops to a dribble, a dabble, a trickle, a damnable drip! The hose is kinked and I have to backtrack along the length of the hose to see what the problem is. How like life this is.....my connection is attached to the Source of life-giving water, the faucet is on and the flow is there.....things are going smoothly....everything is blooming. So what happens! The hose gets kinked....a little bit of unresolved anger, a touch of resentment, a dark corner of resistance to the way things are, a tad of envy, a build-up of cynicism and negative "poop" thinking.....and I am parched....wilting and have to heart trace my connection back to the Source. So I get down on my knees to weed things out that really don't belong in my garden...put downs that I have harbored, self-doubt that nags me, wasted time feeling sorry for myself, unappreciative taking for granted...the blessings that are right there in front of me. Oh yes, I sweat and weed and get back to blooming again.....the kinks in my hose straightened out and the sweet flow of fresh water flowing again. Ahhhhh....gardening...such lessons.


Pamela Goodwin said...

Here's me trying my new blog stuff myself ~ you great Leo leader YOU!

I've got to get the hang of this stuff. Needless to say I'll have more to say {{œ_œ}}Pamela

Holly said...

Yay Auntie Joye!!! I'm so glad you're blogging and look forward to checking in all the time. If I may be so bold to say, I think your readers should see visuals of things you've grown. I personally want to see the things that grow from your paint brush, and would love to see your garden too. I remember you teling me that you believe your purpose in life was to make things more beautiful...you're so GOOD at it. Let's see it! By the way, we have the same 2008 champions! Love you, and love your new blog!

Joye Lisk said...

Thanks Holly....definitely when I get back to Portland and my own files, I'll put some pics to use! Hugs and thanks for the validation....that's an honor from you dear heart. Auntie Joye