Monday, February 23, 2009

We were meant to hum....and sing and dance!

There is a time that you depend on yourself as the center of gravity…..and still keep the time-honored truth that we really do need each other. At that point…..your deepest realization that you can trust yourself, is when you begin to trust others. Developing trust is not blind faith in the Universe, God or the garden fairies… is a divine inner strength coming from experience that you can handle what comes at you with the grace and dignity of the powerful human spirit that you are. The resilience of the human spirit is immense….the power of the human heart is immeasurable. The recent movie, Slumdog Millionaire is a tribute to our resilience. How much can we love? How kind can we be? How strong is our resolve to make the world a better place than when we came? And always….it is a choice to be loving, kind strong and resolved to create beauty, invoke hope, be grateful for our blessings, building trust wherever we go and in whatever circumstances we find ourselves in.

But, there are times when as humans we get discouraged, forget the words to our song and just have to hum. One of my favorite songs is We Were Meant to Hum. The beauty of this journey is that often times we meet wonderful people who know the words and even when you cannot remember them…..sing them for you until you can. These are the human spirits that help you remember how strong you are…..not by rescuing you or by fixing you or by doing it for you…..but mouthing the words for you to hum along until the music fills and inspires you.

Yes, we were meant to hum and sing and dance….and celebrate this journey together. I think the response to the last election was a glimpse of the huge yearning to trust again, to hope again, to celebrate this journey together as irrepressible, resilient powerful human spirits. One strong human spirit reaching out to another to share the strength makes us all stronger…..and the beat goes on….the heart beat of partners who commit to love, the families who stand by one another, the neighborhoods that create a sense of community and a nation that builds a society that values the needs of the human spirit above all else.

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