Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The De-icing Process!

I sat aboard a full plane....waiting on the tarmac for the de-icing process. There was time to think....I was tired and a little numb from traveling all day. There was a little anxiety in Chicago about whether or not we would be able to fly out of the increasingly hazardous blizzard conditions. I began to meditate....deep breathing.....the open door to de-icing the soul. Meditation has been a gift for several years....finding the warmth inside....melting the coat of steely, cold armor that protects....but also keeping me isolated from really enjoying the present moment. The spirit of love that connects us to each other is much like the de-icing process.....pouring its soothing liquid over our lives....melting away the icy, crystallizing fear that picks at our souls, giving us the chance to once again take flight without the weight or danger of heavy wings. Ahhhhh....the process worked.....we took flight into the night....peaceful soaring above the storm....full moon....winging across boundaries with de-iced strength.


jen meillier said...

"The spirit of love that connects us to each other is much like the de-icing process.....pouring its soothing liquid over our lives....melting away the icy, crystallizing fear that picks at our souls, giving us the chance to once again take flight without the weight or danger of heavy wings."

Joye---This speaks hugely to my heart right now. Thank you.

Joye Lisk said...

Thank you for the lovely comments, Jen. I hope you do not mind, but today's poetry, written over the morning cuppa coffee is dedicated to you. Big hugs!

jen meillier said...

Do I mind? The most beautiful dedication one could ever imagine or hope for. Plenty of tears flowed.
Your gifts leave me astounded and speechless. I'm sure others would agree, you move through very deep waters in us readers.
Hugs back and much gratitude,